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Biographies of the Stars

Otto Binder

Science fiction author and comix scripter Otto Binder was born August 26, 1911 in Bessemer Michigan. His writing career began in 1930 when his story "The First Martian" was published in "Amazing Stories". He continued to write science fiction and other 'pulp fiction' throughout the '30's, but in December 1935 he landed a day job as an editor at Otis Kline's literary office in New York City. In October of 1939 he began to freelance as a comics scriptwriter to supplement his income. The famous (or notorious!) Harry "A" Chesler Studio contracted with comix artists and scripters to supply mainstream publishing houses with comix pages, and Binder worked there for his brother Jack, the shop foreman.

Otto's first script was a new sci-fi series called "Dan Hastings"; he also wrote scripts for "Power Nelson", "Vulcan", "the Black Owl", and "Captain America". In March 1941 he began working for Fawcett Publications on the "Captain Venture" strip, going on to write scripts for "Bulletman", "Dr. Voodoo" and "Spy Smasher". Binder eventually became Fawcett's premiere scriptwriter.

In August of 1941 Binder was assigned to the "Captain Marvel" series. He became the series' primary writer, producing an estimated 60% of the scripts which he wrote until the series was discontinued in the Fall of 1953.

Binder went on to write for comix publishers Gold Key, Timely Publications, DC, and Quality among others. He wrote scripts for "Captain America", "Superman", the "Blackhawks", the "SubMariner", and many more.

Otto Oscar Binder died October 14, 1974 in Chestertown, New York.

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